swap marts & other events
rotary swap mart - 29 sept 2024

Are you ready to enjoy browsing among all the new or pre-loved treasures on offer at our #RotaryClubOfMundaringSwapMarts?
Our next Swap Mart is on the 24th November at the Mundaring Recreation Ground (Lower Carpark).
If you have items in your home that you no longer use and they are clean and/or in good working order, then this is the event for you!
Cost for those selling items is $10 per Car Bay / Stall
It's a great opportunity to clear out the house and the shed!
There are always hidden treasures at our Swap Marts for those looking for a bargain!
👉6am for sellers
👉8am for buyers
Please email rotarymundaring@hotmail.com if you have any queries.
rotary swap mart - 29 sept 2024

Our next Swap Mart is on the 29th of Sept at the Mundaring Recreation Ground (Lower Carpark).
If you have items in your home that you no longer use and they are clean and/or in good working order, then this is the event for you!
Cost for those selling items is $10 per Car Bay / Stall
It's a great opportunity to clear out the house and the shed!
There are always hidden treasures at our March Swap Mart for those looking for a bargain!
💥6am for sellers
💥8am for buyers
Please email rotarymundaring@hotmail.com if you have any queries.

We have been given the opportunity to host a Pub Quiz at the lovely #MahoganyInnAndDistillery (Mahogany Creek, WA) in August!
We think this will be another enjoyable way for us to raise funds for our community initiatives and projects.
👉Event Details
When: Tues, 20th Aug
Time: Doors open at 6pm - Quiz starts at 7pm
Tickets: $20 per person - Tables of 6 people
Refreshments: Food & Drinks available to purchase at the Mahogany Inn Bar Important: No BYO Food or Drinks please
Transfer $20 per ticket to:
Rotary Club of Mundaring Inc.
BSB: 633-000
Acc: 135196194
Description/Reference: "QUIZ"
👉Then email us
rotarymundaring@hotmail.com - to let us know you've paid.
We will reply with your Ticket/s (no need to print them). Max 6 people per table. Tickets are limited so please book soon to avoid disappointment. All Ticket and Raffle sale funds will go to our Rotary Club of Mundaring. Our HUGE thanks to Mahogany Inn & Distillery proprietor Jim Middleton for giving us this opportunity.